June 19, 2008

These two paintings are my last for a couple of weeks as I am off on a grand painting adventure out west. I plan to paint during the day and gaze at the stars at night (rather than the laptop), so I will not be posting anything until I return. Ciao!
"For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream"...Vincent Van Gogh

(199) So Grand...
6 x 8, oil
Both these were painted from photo-references that were upside down. If you haven't tried this--do. Looking at a photo upside down allows your brain to see shapes abstractly and objectively, and it is easier to judge your drawing. Another trick is to look at your drawing/painting in the mirror.

(198) Hay Bales
6 x 8, oil
"My oils are finished alla prima in the field...decorated with suicidal bugs...my shirt soaked in sweat. This is authentic "guerrilla painting, backpacking everything into remote locations...enraptured there until the light fails"...Alan Craig


Frank Gardner said...

Have a GREAT trip Faye. I am so jealous.
Get in some great painting time and just plain enjoy yourself.
Give my best to your mentor.
I'll be holding my breath to see what you bring home.

Anonymous said...

A painting adventure? Cool! Have a wonderful time!


Anonymous said...

I trust you're having a good time. Have a safe and fun trip.


FCP said...

Thanks so much for such kind wishes,